I'm leaving for NYC in 2 days (wahoooo-- I cannot contain my excitement) and I have so much to get done at work, but I wanted to share yesterday with you! I have a few less-than-flattering pictures that Becky took for me, but you will have to wait because I forgot to download them (may have had something to do with the handsome fella that came over to my house to watch a movie last night!).
First let me tell you that it is hot as hades here in central NC. Seriously, in the 100s today. Granite is not. a. fan. He is also not a fan of flies. I've had Becky putting his fly mask on every day (yes, apparently I am THAT boarder) but I don't think its doing the trick. When I get back I plan to buy one of those huge ones that cover their ears, eyes and nose. We are using the equi-spot and concentrate fly spray (so I can make it STRONG) and the battle of the heat and bugs on my poor black skinned grey horse still seems to be a losing one. But Granite was a trooper and when i got there at 5pm for our lesson, he begrudgingly cooperated.
I wouldn't call it a riding lesson, Becky ignores my equitation entirely, she focuses on how I am communicating with granite and that I am asking the questions in the same way that she is. I will be the only one riding him come July. We discover that I ride overwhelmingly from my legs and seat and often lack communication via my reins. I have always been very light in my hands (to a fault) and apparently I 'pester' Granite a bit much with my legs/heels when I should really be leaving him alone. Its nice to have someone on the ground to point out the obvious.
Granite was amazing. His trot is starting to be big and forward and his canter... my god, his canter... I am in love. I think I am simply passionate about that canter. Really, you need to ride it to understand :) He has some problems with his side passes on the fence (apparently he does really well with Becky in training), but we blamed it on the heat because Becky even got up and she had the same problems. We worked on some leg yielding that was really successful as well. I am just so pleased with his progress.
I also got really exciting news at the end of the lesson (besides the fact that I have exceeded Granite's "training fund" and still plan to have Becky ride him until I get back from NYC). Becky thinks that it would really benefit Granite and I to take some dressage lessons together. Yes, I still have an ultimate goal of Am Adult Hunters, but dressage is an amazing foundation and if we started from there, we could go anywhere! She thinks Granite is ready. Becky is also related to one of the best dressage trainers in the area and is friends with the president of the NC Dressage Association. She said she would see what she could come up with regarding Granite and me and some lessons! ahhhhh!
And as if that wasn't enough, she cleared us to start trail riding!!! She said it should be the most boring thing ever. She wants me to go with SLOW and STEADY horses and make it the most non-issue ever. I relayed this info to Dianne and I think that D will ride Karma and maybe bring our friend Jennifer and her QH Pickle (how cute is that name btw??) to do a painfully slow and boring trail ride out at Pilot Mnt. I am SO excited. I have been waiting to have a real horse. One that I can ride and take lessons on and show and trail. Finally!
And not only is Granite a real horse now, he is a real amazing horse! Becky even mentioned after watching THAT CANTER, that I have a baby with an extremely solid mind and a beautiful body (meaning his performance). Getting a baby is such a gamble, I am so glad I took that chance on the big grey man. He is everything I wanted in a horse (I know you are sick of hearing this!).
Alright-- back to work. I have so much to prepare to allow me to leave for a week. You know the charade. I also have to wait tables tonight. But TK will be coming over tonight since I won't get to see him for a week! YAY. I don't think I'm officially the girlfriend yet, but I can't wait til I am. He is nearly as fantastic a man as granite is a horse :)

and one of Reno as a bonus.