Monday, July 6, 2009

an episode of Real World Oak Island, and thoughts on Granite's big move...

So the beach trip was fabulous! We got in late Thursday night and immediately popped tops. I ended up going for a swim at 3am and the Ocean kicked my ass! I scraped my knee, hurt my ankle, and lost my bracelet... I would totally do it again! Friday was kind of annoying as the New Man in My Life (NMML) was a complete ass. He actively seemed to ignore me and I was pissed. That evening after a few rounds of shots, I finally lost it and he and I ended up having an overly dramatic heart-to-heart. It ended well however because he was clear that I would not accept that type of behavior and he was perfectly attentive and fun for the remainder of the vacation. Saturday we went to see Ice Age 3, which provided us with an abundance of funny quotes for the rest of the weekend. Saturday night was continued fun. 1/2 of the group went to see fireworks and Rich, Colorado, and myself went home to decorate the house for NMML's birthday. We put curly ribbons up all over the place and I had a Happy Birthday banner. I think he appreciated least I hope he did. Sunday morning was lazy. None of us really wanted to leave but we began cleaning fairly shortly after waking up and we hit the road by 3ish. I was so car sick on the way back and we got stuck in really bad traffic on I-40. We made it home around 8 and I took NMML to a quick Mexican dinner then we went to my house where we passed out around 10:30. Roomie is gone until the 16th, so it will be quiet around the house for the next 2 weeks.

I had planned to go visit Granite tonight, but his trainer had to work overtime all weekend so she asked if I could come out tomorrow evening instead. We plan to discuss which day is best for moving him to his new farm. I am out of town for the next two weekends, so I think it will have to be on a week day after work. I plan to move some of my stuff over fairly shortly. I am not sure if I should keep my saddle's at D's barn or move them with me. There is always a chance that the new barn owner will ask/offer for me to ride a couple of her young paints, but I know I will probably be riding Karma on occasion. I think I may take the less expensive saddle to the new place and keep my Bates at D's where I know it is safe. Any advice on creating a smooth transition for Granite and myself to our new barn? I haven't moved farms since I was in High School! I am pretty excited by scared about keeping up with the finance end of it all. On that note... I have made the final 4 for the Oak Ridge Town Clerk position!!! The Manager was checking references this morning. Cross your fingers I get this!

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