So a conversation with a coworker this morning led to me being really really annoyed. It all started when my coworker was talking about the topic of Oprah's show tomorrow. It is about a evangelist that got caught in a gay sex scandal. I was thinking 'ok, not THAT interesting, preachers do hypocritical stuff all the time, I don't care if the man decided to turn gay...' Then she informed me that Ted Haggard's wife decided to stay with him! I said something to the effect of her being a completely brainwashed dumb ass. Another (shall we say rather blatantly Conservative) coworker heard my comment and stopped in her tracks. She obviously didn't mind that the conversation didn't involve her, because she was eager to share her view on the matter with me. Joy of Joys... She began lecturing me on how only a STRONG woman could get through that. There was so much pain and hurt that they had to live through in order to not sacrifice their marriage! She even brought Hillary Clinton in as an example of Strength in staying with an adulterous spouse. I am sorry folks but when I hear about both of these women, strong is the VERY last word that comes to mind. First off I think Weak, followed by: sad, scared, pathetic, trapped, insecure, and uh did I mention terribly WEAK? I think the greatest strength lies in a woman who has the power to sacrifice all material things in order to keep her own dignity and self respect. I have absolutely no admiration for women who chose to stand by their man when he obviously and admittedly did wrong! I only have pity and disgust for these women. The worst part about this whole conversation is that I was made to feel like I was being lectured and that I was idiotic to disagree. The fact that christian men, as far back as biblical times have methodically planned to keep women down through fear of retaliation by religion. Religion really was designed to keep down the masses, those who are too scared or know no better than to question what is continuously being pushed down their throats. Oh I am so grateful for a mind of my own and a sense of self. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to those who instilled that in me instead of handing me an ancient book and telling me to take everything a man (merely a man!) tells me from the pulpit...